It is 2021. The election of the German Bundestag is approaching and the Corona pandemic is like a burning glass on the disadvantage of women. It makes clear that while officially everyone in Germany is equal before the law, in reality we are far from having true equality.
Together with the NGO “Instead of Flowers” +KNAUSS has released the Wahl-O-Matin WAHLTRAUT.
WAHLTRAUT is your election advisor for the 2021 Bundestag election. With her, you can check how much you agree with the positions of the different parties on issues of equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, anti-racism and inclusion.
Over 250,000 people in Germany have used WAHLTRAUT. There was an overwhelming response from the press as well as the population. And a sustainable impulse for public discussions and debates. In particular, people who are not directly affected by the issue have been sensitized to the topic.

In contrast to the Wahl-O-Mat of the Federal Agency for Civic Education, WAHLTRAUT has only one main topic: equal rights. These include, for example, the parties' statements on the wage gap between men and women, their attitude towards abortion or the role of women in the context of foreign policy. "If things continue at the current pace, we will have closed the wage gap in exactly 100 years. We can't wait that long and we have to fill the government with people who are seriously committed to this issue," says co-initiator Cordelia Röders-Arnold.